The best and worst thing has happened all at once recently.  Sadly, I have been contacted by NUMEROUS people over the past few weeks who have received a recent cancer diagnosis.  It’s awful because they are being invited to join the club that NOBODY wants to join.  But God…

I have known God has been calling me for a while, a long while, to start writing.  I initially thought it was a book, and I actually have started that book.  But when I got my diagnosis and started my cancer journey, I thought a blog would be easier and more time efficient, so that is the route I went.  

I now believe that God called me to start that blog to reach out to a community that I never knew I would be a part of–a community of STRONG women who would bond over the nasty C-word: cancer.

I have a lot to share with this community, but the most prevalent question I am hearing is “How do I prepare for chemo.  What  do I need?”  If this doesn’t pertain to you, Congratulations.  However, I encourage you to continue to read or at least skim this post.  Why?  Because cancer is growing at exponential rates.  I think I have a pretty good idea of why, but I will save that for another post.  However, with the occurrences of cancer sky-rocketing, it is inevitable that this disease will touch you in one way or another in the near future and this post might prove to be helpful (God forbid) to you or someone you love.

How Do I Prepare for Chemo?

The first thing I urge you to do is to start some research on your own of things that YOU can do to treat the progression of the cancer in your body.

I immediately sought the help of a friend who is super “crunchy”.  In other words-she has done tons of research about the foods we are consuming and the toxicity of those foods.  It was a lot of information that maybe I had heard before but, honestly, discounted because “that stuff was never going to happen to me.”  HA!  Well this time I listened and did some research myself.  These are the main changes I made, while drastic, I fully believe these changes are playing a big role in my healing: 

  • I completely cut sugar and sugar replacements.  Sugar feeds Cancer and the last thing I needed was to feed this invader in my body.  I am allowing fruit in its natural or dried state but No agave, No date syrup, No honey, No maple syrup, etc.  On the rare occasion that I must have something with a sugar replacement (electrolytes), I am choosing Stevia.
  • I am now eating a 99% vegetarian diet.  The main reason for this is that I have no way of knowing what chemicals or medicines have been pumped into the meat I can buy.  My one exception is wild game that my husband has killed himself.
  • I am eating organic food where I can.  This one is the hardest because Pauul and I love to eat out and there are only a handful of truly organic restaurants in Tulsa.  That means at home, we are choosing organic.

I would encourage you to snag these books and do some of your own research:



Turning Off Breast Cancer

This is a quick and easy read that I have gone back to a few times.

Radical Remission

Another fairly easy read that I really enjoyed.

The Cancer Revolution

Definitely a more thorough researched book and a deep dive.  You will need time to consume all of this information!

Here Comes the Sun: Moments with God in the Seasons of Cancer

I cannot say enough good things about this devotional.  Written by a survivor who understands the journey of diagnosis, treatment, and surviving, I believe this book will be a HUGE encouragement to a follower of Christ.

If you read my last blog post, I spoke about giving practical and usable items to those battling this disease.  I also spoke about how I found it so helpful to TELL people what I really needed.  The list is long, but please allow me to share what I found helpful.  I will break it down into categories.

What to Take to Chemo:

  • Neck Pillow–My infusion clinic has recliners for the patients.  They do lay flat, but I find it more comfortable in a reclining position with a neck pillow.  I have purchased so many with all of my travels.  This one here is my favorite .  I fold it in half and place it behind my neck.
  • EyeMask–The infusion clinic I go to is bright.  I like to nap during chemo so an eye mask really helps.  I love this one because it is soft but also not flat against my eyes.  
  • AirPods 
  • Book/Coloring Book–I usually read for a bit until my Benadryl kicks in.
  • Hard Candy–As weird as it sounds, you will be able to taste some of the drugs that they put into the IV.  I would suggest a hard candy that you like, but not your favorite because you will never want it again after all this.

Comfort Items:

  • Shirts where your port is easy to access.  I thought I needed all the fancy schmancy port zippered shirts.  I made myself several and I hate them.  They are itchy and uncomfortable.  I find it easiest to wear either button up shirts or shirts with a deep v-neck so the nurses can easily access my port on my upper chest.
  • Trust me when I say you will be gifted blankets.  Soooo many blankets.  I got some super cute ones.  I also got several hand made blankets from sweet church ladies sharing their talents.  However, these are my favorite ones:
  • Cooling Sheets.  I was perimenopausal and dealing with night sweats before but when I say they have come back with a vengeance, I mean it.  I love these sheets so much that I now have a few sets.
  • Things to stay busy like coloring books, puzzle books or small craft kits to keep busy during infusion or even when you are resting/relaxing at home.
  • Lotions.  Your skin and EVERYTHING on your body WILL dry out!  I recommend good thick lotions that have no fragrance.  I use an app called Yuka that helps me to choose the most clean products available.  
  • Chapstick.  I have always been a chapstick addict but even more so now than ever.  I have them literally everywhere all over my house!  I absolutely love the Dr. Bronners no flavor/no fragrance one.
  • Beanies/Turbans.  I purchased some from Amazon that I loved and some I hated.  This is such a personal preference thing and also a head size thing.  It is not a guarantee that you will lose your hair.  It depends on what drugs you will be getting.  But one thing to know is that your head size will significantly shrink when your hair is gone.  None of my pre-chemo hats fit my bald noggin!  I actually ended up finding some YouTube tutorials and sewed my own beanies and turbans.
  • Seat Belt Pillow for your car

Medical Needs:

  • Puke Bags
  • Nausea Bands
  • Immodium
  • Senna
  • Powder Laxative
  • Papaya–This is THE BEST replacement for Tums/Rolaids.  
  • Nexium
  • Witch Hazel Wipes–Feels good when those nasty hemorrhoids strike.  I love these because they are individually wrapped and I can have some in my purse.
  • Preparation H
  • Sensitive Toothbrushes–Your mouth could get super sensitive and you could possibly deal with mouth sores.  These have been super helpful for me.
  • Toothpaste–Same thing here.  You might not be able to use your regular toothpaste.  Also I had to switch after researching the nasty chemicals in most tooothpastes.  I love the Boka brand.  They have several flavors.  The kids versions seem to be the most sensitive on my ouchy mouth.  

Food and Snacks

  • Glass Food Containers–I removed all plastic food containers that did not specifically list that they were BPA free.  Fun little bonus: our leftover fruits and veggies are staying good for so much longer in the glass food saver dishes we are now using.  
  • Glass Tumbler–Another weird thing about some chemo drugs is that they will have a metallic taste.  This is intensified when you use any metal dishes like those fancy tumblers that are so popular.  I have switched to all glass drinkware but still want my cute tumbler.  I like this one except it is not insulated.  
  • Non-Metal Utensils–For the same reason as above, you might not want to use metal silverware.  I have these sets that I love and they are great for popping in your purse for eating out too.
  • Brita–Most tap water is full of nasty chemicals.  We switched to a Brita that stays in the fridge and keeps the water cold too!  
  • Aloha Bars–Yum Yum Yum.  The cookie dough is my fave but I love that they have a sample pack so you can try all the flavors.  
  • Graham Crackers–These are a MUST HAVE next to my bed for a queasy tummy in the moorniings.  While they do have some sugar, they are at least organic, and the best for calming my tummy.  I also love that these are individual packs and stay good.  I also keep a pack in my purse for when that icky feeling hits.  
  • Applesauce–Another great snack for upset tummy and easy to pack.  
  • Protein–I have searched high and low for a protein that checked all the boxes and finally settled on KOS.  I like to make my smoothies with organic coconut milk, Super seeds, and frozen fruit.  I have tried several flavors, and the chocolate and vanilla are my faves. 
  • Super Seeds–An easy way to add fiber and protein to your diet.  You can bake this into items, put it in protein shakes, sprinkle it on yogurt or fruit.  Endless possibilities.  
  • Almond Butter-I love the MaraNatha brand.  The Best!  
  • Overnight Oats–I was skeptical but a friend sent me a few to try and I am HOOKED!  I do a monthly subscription and get 16 each month.  It is the perfect amount.  So many flavors to try.  I suggest getting  a variety pack to see what your favorites are.  
  • Electrolytes–There are many to try out there.  It is truly overwhelming.  I have discovered two favorites:  Ultima (Mocktini and Watermelon are my faves) and I also love the Stur brand.
  • Aloe Water–This is great to soothe a sore mouth.  I have only found one kind that is sugar free.

I know this is a lot to buy at once!  Many of these items are not necessary, I just found them helpful.  I also would encourage  you to create an Amazon shopping list using these items and share it with your friends and family.  I promise that they want to help you and support you, but they may not know HOW to do that.  Sharing your needs is NOT asking for charity.  It is allowing other people to be a blessing to you!  Don’t take that away from them.


It’s  getting tough friends.  I was lucky enough to have six decent weeks of treatment, but that is done.  Treatment sucks and the few days after are even worse.

Please continue to pray for me that the side effects of chemo will minimize.  I need to be able to eat often and eat lots of protein.  I need to be able to stay hydrated.  I need my gastrointestinal system to calm.

I need my white blood cells, red blood cells, and hemoglobin to INCREASE or at least stop lowering.

Please pray that both my mental health and emotional strength, along with Paul’s, will stay good.

Most of all, we need WISDOM about some upcoming treatment plan decisions we have in front of us.

My Prayer

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